II New Trends In The Common Law
Programação e Edital
2ª Edição – Londres, setembro 2019
New Trends In The Common Law
Veja a programação e a galeria de fotos
1ª Edição – Londres 2018.
General Aims
The NEW TRENDS IN THE COMMON LAW aims to build bridges between Brazilian and British judicial system and provide Judges and Justices of the Brazilian Federal Judiciary with a panoramic view of the English law, which is a mandatory requirement for the career of Brazilian judges as our system has incorporated common law institutes, specially binding precedents. In sum, the course ultimately aimed at enhancing the efficiency and quality of Brazilian judicial service.
Organisers and Academic Coordinators:
Marcus Livio Gomes (Visiting Research Fellow IALS/SAS/University of London, Rio de Janeiro state University and Federal Judge of the Second Circuit)
Aluisio Mendes (Federal Court of Appeal Judge and Civil Procedure Law Professor at Rio de Janeiro State University and Civil Procedure Law Professor at Rio de Janeiro State University)
Fabíola Utzig Haselof (PhD candidate Rio de Janeiro State University and Federal Judge of the Second Circuit)
Daniela Pereira Madeira (PhD candidate Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Federal Judge of the Second Circuit)